Location: Mecklenburg Co., NC
Constructed: 1800
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History: Latta Plantation was one of many that prospered as cotton raising
became profitable during the early 1800's. Substantial African-American communities
grew on the plantations. Despite the restrictions of slavery, strong family
bonds existed, allowing traditions, skills, values, and heritage to be passed
on to the children.
Associated Free White Names
- (1797-1799) Moses Hayes: purchased and homesteaded 100 acres of land
in Mecklenburg Co.
- (1799-1841) James Latta and Jane Knox Latta: owned the property
and expanded it into a plantation; In 1800 James Latta built the Federal style
home that is now known as Latta Plantation
- (1841-1853) David Harry: purchased the house of James Latta and 420
acres from Rufus Reid, Latta's son-in-law and executor, in 1841.
- (1853-1922) William A. Sample: purchased the house and land from
the heirs of David Harry on July 26, 1853. He renamed the plantation "Riverside."
In 1877, the property was willed to his son, Hugh Sample.
Associated Black Slave Names
- (1800) James Latta owned 2 slaves
- (1830) James Latta owned 23 adults and 11 children
- James Latta: Peter:
feild slave; fugitive (1826)
- James Latta: Suky:
- For more Latta slave names, see website
- Latta made additional purchases of adjoining lands in 1800, 1813, 1816,
and 1817, eventually owning more than 700 acres, much of which was planted
in cotton.
- In addition to raising cotton, the crops and livestock required to support
the plantation community was actually produced on the property. Latta also
had a mill, quarry, and part interest in a fishery called Penney's.
Description of Associated Architecture