Francisco Plantation
Location: Reserve, LA
Constructed: 1856
Learn more at:
Information: San Francisco Plantation; P.O. Drawer AX; Reserve, Louisiana 70084;
Toll Free (888) 322-1756; Fax: (504) 535-5450
Associated Free White Names
- Edmond Bonzier Marmillion and Jean Annointnette Bonzier Marmillion
Associated Black Slave Names
1843 Slaves: Compiled after Jean Annointnette Bonzier Marmillion's death
in 1843
- Aaron: American negro, 40, ploughman, laborer
- Albert: American Negro, ploughman, laborer, 30
- Alexis: Creole negro, 36 ploughman
- Anderson: American negro of the field, 30
- Anna: American negress, 30 domestic laundress
- Billy: American negro of the field, 30
- Ben: American negro, 45, good blacksmith
- Campy: American negress of the field 30 & 2 children Jonasse
3, Daniel 1
- Caroline: American negress, 38 & her 4 infants Marguerite
12, Henrietta 10, Cleste 8, Drauzin 12 months
- Caroline: American negress of the field, 25
- Big Daniel: American negro of the field, 35
- Small Daniel: American negro of the field, 35
- Big David: American negro, 30, ploughman & laborer
- Small David: American negro, 23, ploughman, laborer
- Edward, American negro of the field, 30 (runaway?)
- Eliza: American mulatto, 35 domestic, laundress & son Jules
mulatto 8
- Eliza Kyer: American negress of the field, 30 & son Stephen
5 months
- Enoch: American negro of the field, 25
- Old Francis: Creole negress of the field, 55
- Francois: Creole negress 37, domestic
- Big George: American negro, 45, sugar-maker
- Small George: American negro, 45, ploughman, laborer
- Gracy: Creole mulatto, 15
- Henry: Creole negro of the field, 30
- Issac: American negro of the field, 69
- Jacob: American negro of the field, 39
- James: American negro of the field, 30
- James, Creole mulatto, 35, mason, painter, glazier, sugar-maker
- James, American negro, 45, groom
- Joe, American negro, 45, groom
- Jack: American negro of the field, 40
- Jean Pierre: Creole negro 7,orphan
- John: American negro, 35, ploughman, laborer
- Kyer: American negro, 35, cooper
- Lawson: American negro, 35, cooper
- Lisa (Griffone): orphan, 8
- Long Lewis, American negro, 35, ploughman, laborer
- Louis: Creole negro, 30 Cook, & Mason
- Louise: American negress of the field 35
- Louisa: American negress of the field 35 & 2 children Gustave
3, Aimie 6 months
- Little Louis: Creole negro, 14
- Lovelace: American negro, 30, ploughman, laborer
- Lucille: American negress of the field, 26 & 2 children Helene
6, John 4
- Marianne: Creole negress, 30 cook and 2 children Rosette 8,
Theodore 7
- Small Marie: Creole negress of the field, 16
- Marie Gally: Creole mulatto, domestic 22 & 2 children Euphrasie
4, Henry 2 months
- Mary Edwards: American negress of the field 25 & daughter Persilla
14 months
- Marseille: African negro of the field, 69
- Mellon: American mulatto, 30 a little carpentry
- Mingo: American mulatto of the field, 18
- Ned: American negro, 28, ploughman & laborer
- Phillip: Congo negro of the field, 50
- Richard: American Mulatto, 35, commander, supervision, foreman
- Romulus, American negro of the field, 25
- Sally: Creole negro 3, orphan
- Sally: American Negress, 50 domestic
- Sam: American negro of the field, 30
- Sam: American negro of the field, 30
- Smith: American negro, 36 one-eyed, ploughman, laborer
- Stephan: American negro, 20, ploughman, laborer
- Tom: American negro, engineer, 40
- West: American negro, 40, ploughman, laborer
- Big William: American negro of the field, 55
- Small William: American negro, 30, ploughman & laborer
- ??: Creole negro, 30, ploughman, & laborer
1856 Slaves: Compiled after Edmond Bonzier Marmillion's death in 1856
- Adam, American negro, 24, ploughman, laborer
- Albert, American negro ploughman & laborer, 50
- Alexander, Creole negro, 35
- Alexis, Creole negro, 50, ploughman
- Anderson, American negro, 50
- Annie, Creole negress, 14
- Ben, American negro, 60 blacksmith
- Benjamin, American negro, 25
- Big Daniel, American negro of the field, 50 ploughman
- Big Davis, American negro, 47, ploughman, laborer
- Celeste (Griffonne) Creole, 16
- Cesar, American negro, 30
- Cornelius, Creole negro, 20
- Daniel, Creole negro, 14
- Daniel Vickner, American negro, 35
- Davis, American mulatto, 36, ploughman, laborer
- Edward, Creole, negro, 9, orphan
- Edward, American negro ploughman & laborer, 22
- Eliza, American negress, 55, & her daughter Marie Joseph,
- Eliza, American mulatto creole, 50, laundress & ironer
- Eliza, American negress, 30
- Eliza, Creole mulatto, 20
- Etienne (Griffe), Creole, 53 commander (supervisor, foreman)
- Etienne Vickner, Creole negro, 35
- Field, American negro, 36
- Francois, Creole, mulatto, 18
- Frank, American negro, 30
- Gustave, Creole negro, 16 (Louisa's son)
- George Bloston (?) American negro, 73
- George Drew, American negro, 24
- George Jones, American negro, 24
- Gressy, mulatto creole, domestic, deal (?) and her infants Amedie,
10 years and Ernest 3 years
- Helene, Creole negress, 21 (could be Lucy's daughter)
- Henriette,Creole mulatto, 18, asthmatic & her infant Richard,
3 months
- Henry, American negro, 50, cooper
- (Illegible), American negro, 50, cooper
- (Illegible), Creole negress, 6, orphan
- Jack, American negro of the field, 50
- Jacob, American negro of the field, 50
- James, Creole, mulatto, mason, painter, glazier & sugar-maker, 48
- James Dufilho, American, negro, 40
- Jean Louis, Creole, negro, 30
- Jean Pierre, Creole negro, 18, orphan
- John Lee, American negro, 28
- John, Creole negro, 16 (could be Lucy's son)
- Jonas, Creole negro, (illegible)
- Lewis Hellmann, Creole negro, 25
- Linda, American negress, 50
- Long Lewis, American negro ploughman & laborer, 50
- Louis, Creole negro, cook & mason, 45
- Louisa, American negress of the field, 36, hospital worker
- Lovelace, American negro, 40, ploughman & laborer
- Lucy, American negress of the field, 40, & her infant Theodore
(?), 7
- Marguerite (Griffonne), creole, aged 20
- Marie Gally, mulatto creole, 35 cook domestic
- Marseilles, Creole negro, 70
- Mary Sally, American negress, 26 & her infant, Adam, 2
- Mathilde, Creole negress, 10
- Mengo, American negro, 40
- Michel, Creole negro, 12
- Ned, American negro, 30, ploughman & laborer, one-eyed
- Old Louise, Creole negress, 60
- Paul, Creole negro, 18 mos., orphan
- Phroisine (?), Creole negress, 3, orphan
- Prisilla, Creole negress, 15
- Robert, American negro, 24
- Romulus, American negro of the field, 40, (listed on 1843 Inventory)
- Robert, Creole mulatto, 20
- Sally, Creole negress, 13, orphan
- Sam, American negro of the field, 55
- Small John, American negro, 54, ploughman
- Smith, American negro, 55 one-eyed ploughman & laborer
- Stevens, American negro, 34
- Tampey, American negress, 40 & her infant Shedreck, 1
- Theodule, Creole mulatto, 18
- Tolleux, Creole negro, 30
- Tom, American negro, 65
- Trotter, American mulatto, 25, carpenter
- Washington, American negro, 25
- West, American negro, ploughman & laborer, 60
- William, American negro ploughman & laborer, 48
Description of Associated Architecture
- A slave quarters from the 1830's is being restored
- The first St. John the Baptiste Parish, two-room public schoolhouse is being
- In recognition of the cultural and economic contributions to San Francisco
Plantation and Louisiana, a list of the enslaved workers from 1830-1865 will
be placed on a wall in the building.